Benefits of AI Assist in Central

Although you can certainly use ChatGPT in a browser window and copy any responses into files in Central (or Flare), there are certain benefits of connecting a Central license to ChatGPT.

  • One Interface There is no need to have multiple browser windows open (one for ChatGPT and another for Central). It's all in one place, inside Central.

  • Differences AI Assist has a feature that lets you see the differences in the original text and the revised text from a ChatGPT response. For example, if you ask ChatGPT to simplify a paragraph in one of your topics, you can then see the exact improvements that ChatGPT made to the text.

  • Toolbar for Editing Each time you receive a response from ChatGPT, you will have access to a toolbar that lets you further edit that response (e.g., setting styles, applying bulleted or numbered lists, inserting images, adding tables).

  • Quick Insertion Once you receive a response from ChatGPT that you want to use, you can simply click a button to insert it into a topic or snippet (or replace specific text that was initially selected). There is no need for copy and paste.