AI Assist Example—Creating New Content

ChatGPT cannot write truly original content for you. For example, it has no idea about that new feature your company is developing for its software product. However, it can scour information from the its library of knowledge and provide you with text that you can add to topics or snippets.

Note ChatGPT is aware of internet content up to September, 2021. After that, it has limited knowledge. However, users with ChatGPT Plus accounts can enable a browser mode (outside of Central) that provides up-to-date internet information.

Example You are writing for a company in the banking industry. While writing a topic about calculating interest, you might need to include a brief explanation of accrued interest. So you write a prompt like this using AI Assist:

Because ChatGPT has access to everything from the internet prior to September 2021, this is a good subject that can be quickly researched and consolidated with ChatGPT. After all, the answer wouldn't have changed between September 2021 and present day.

You receive an answer like this:

You might decide to insert this response just the way it is, make some further adjustments to it manually, or even ask ChatGPT to refine it more for you.