AI Assist Example—Creating Regular Expressions

Regular expressions can be useful for finding targeted content in a large Flare project, but they are notoriously difficult to write. This is an area where ChatGPT can be extremely helpful.

Example You have many websites referenced throughout your project. You're trying to locate all URLs that contain the word "resources." So you ask ChatGPT to do this for you:

ChatGPT provides a regular expression, as well as a breakdown of its parts and an example of its use:

Because you want to use this for a global search, you copy the regular expression (in this case, \bhttps?:\/\/\S*resources\S*\b). Then you paste it into the Find and Replace window pane in Flare, specifying that you want it to search via regular expressions:

Flare finds all of the relevant files containing URLs that match this criteria: