AI Assist Example—Searching and SEO

You can use AI Assist and ChatGPT in place of a search engine to discover new information. This can be an even better experience than a search engine, because it is more conversational.

Note ChatGPT is aware of internet content up to September, 2021. After that, it has limited knowledge. However, users with ChatGPT Plus accounts can enable a browser mode (outside of Central) that provides up-to-date internet information.

ChatGPT also might be helpful when optimizing your content for search engines. You can ask for search engine optimization (SEO) ideas for a particular topic. In addition, you can ask it to provide you with related keywords to selected text.

Example — Searching

You are writing content about the music scene in Austin, Texas. In AI Assist, you ask ChatGPT about the origins of the show Austin City Limits:

ChatGPT is able to give you some good information:

And you can interact with ChatGPT to obtain even more targeted content:

However, if you ask ChatGPT who performed on Austin City Limits in March, 2022, it is unable to give you an answer:

Example — SEO Ideas

You have a list of famous persons from Austin, Texas, and you want some ideas for improving SEO on that page of your output. So you ask ChatGPT:

It gives you many good suggestions:

Example — SEO Related Keywords

You have written a short topic on music in Austin, Texas, and you want some good keywords that you can insert into the Flare topic later to help boost SEO. Therefore, you ask ChatGPT:

And now you have several keywords: