AI Assist Example—Summarizing Text

AI Assist and ChatGPT can be quite helpful for summarizing lots of text.

Example — Creating an Introduction

Perhaps your normal workflow is that you begin a topic with an introduction (or overview), and then write the rest of the topic over the following weeks. However, this time you've begun by skipping the introduction for the time being. Instead, you have added some raw notes about the subject, and then over time you've proceeded writing various parts of the topic (in this example, short descriptions of various key features). And now, based on all of that content, you want to back up and write the introduction at the top of the topic. So you select all of the text that you've written and ask ChatGPT to summarize it:

ChatGPT gives you some summary text:

You can make some quick adjustments to the text if you like. Of course, you wouldn't click Replace, because that would just overwrite all of the selected content with the new introduction. Instead, you would copy the introduction text to your clipboard, close AI Assist, and paste it at the top of the topic.

Example — Collating Feedback or Suggestions

Perhaps your company has accumulated a lot of feedback or suggestions from customers and put them into a single, large document. They're not organized in any way.

Without having to read through every bit of the document, you want to get a sense of trends or particular subjects that are mentioned most. So you can copy and paste the contents of the document into a prompt and ask ChatGPT to summarize it for you, highlighting the things most often mentioned.

The information is in a separate document and not in your Flare project. Therefore, you might just use the OpenAI website for this, instead of using AI Assist.