Renaming Variable Sets

You can rename a variable set in your project.


If you want to rename a variable in Central it is better to do the renaming before inserting the variable anywhere in the content. Otherwise, renaming a variable can result in broken links. If you end up with broken links, try:

  • Re-inserting the variables manually in Central (if you have a only a few applied).

  • Pulling the changes down to Flare, and performing a global find and replace to update the broken links in the code.

How to Rename a Variable Set

  1. Open a project, and select the Files tab at the top.

  2. From the left side of the page, click the All Files drop-down, and select Variable Sets.

  3. Right-click the variable file you want to rename, and from the menu select Rename.

  4. In the Rename File dialog, enter a new name for the file, enter a Commit Message, and select Rename.

    You can optionally click to select a location for the file in the project.