Creating Review Packages

There are a few ways to create review packages (e.g., from Flare to Central, directly in Central). No way is better than the other but there are some considerations. For example, if you are using Flare, creating a review package in Flare is convenient. If a TOC is included in a review package, reviewers have the added benefit of being able to view files for review in the TOC view. When a package is created from Flare's TOC Editor, it is favorable to select single or multiple TOC nodes. Conversely, if you are working in Central, it might be better to create a review package in Central. The disadvantage is that you select individual files for review, and then separately select a TOC.

Permission Required?

For this activity, you must have the following permission setting:

For more information about permissions, see Setting User Permissions or Setting Team Permissions.

Sending Review Packages (Central vs. Flare)

Send Review Packages Via...


Central's Review Package Wizard

You first select files for review, and then select a TOC. When selecting files, you need to know in advance what TOC those files are associated with to select it in the subsequent wizard screen. Selecting a TOC is optional, and only necessary if you want reviewers to be able to review files in the TOC view.

Flare's TOC Editor

Sends individually selected files or multiple files and folder nodes as a review package with a TOC associated with it. This enables reviewers to open files in Central’s TOC view which provides better context for content. In this case, the TOC drop-down in the Send Files for Review Wizard defaults to pick the TOC that the wizard is initiated from.

Flare's Review Ribbon

Sends individually selected files, or folders with multiple files selected within them as review packages. The files have no association with a TOC. In this case, the TOC drop-down in the Send Files for Review Wizard defaults to (none). However, you can choose a TOC for the review package if you want to (for reviews to display in a TOC view in Central).

Note If you decide to create a review package in Central, keep in mind that even though the process starts in Central, it still ends in Flare (just like if you initiated the process from Flare).

How to Create a Review Package in Central

Owners can initiate the review process in Central directly, bypassing Flare as the starting point.

  1. On the left side of the interface, click Reviews.

  2. From the top navigation, click Grids.

  3. Select Packages (if not already selected).

  4. In the upper-right corner, select Create Review Package. The wizard opens.

  5. At a minimum, enter a Name, and select a Project and Branch. Click Next. You can optionally enter a review package description.

    Note You can only create a review package for a project in Central that you are a part of (i.e., a user or a team member of the project).

  6. Expand the content folders to select files for the package. You can also select a folder to choose everything under it. Click Next.

  7. (Optional) You can choose a Table of Contents that is associated with the files selected. This is only necessary if you want reviewers to be able to review files using the TOC view in Central. Click Next.

  8. (Optional) Select reviewers. Click Next.

  9. Review the summary of the package. Click Create Review Package. The new review package displays in Central's Reviews page.

    Note You can optionally click the Back button on any of the wizard screens to change review package information before creating it.

    Note Depending on what you need to do, keep in mind that you can edit existing review packages rather than create new ones. For example, you can add and delete files or add and remove reviewers using the Review Packages profile. See Updating Review Packages.