Creating Teams
Users with permission can create teams and then associate projects, users, and/or sites with those teams.
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Permission Required?
For this activity, you must have the following permission setting:
For more information about permissions, see Setting User Permissions or Setting Team Permissions.
How to Create a Team
On the left side of the interface, click Teams.
In the toolbar click
Complete the fields on each page of the wizard, clicking Next after each.
Team Settings
(Optional) Click Change to find and select an image for the team avatar.
Complete the Name field.
(Optional) Complete the Description field.
(Optional) Select any of the check boxes to give the user the appropriate permissions in the system.
- Administrative Adds check marks to all of the following administrator tasks.
- Create/Edit Tasks Lets the user create and make changes to tasks. Users without this permission can view tasks only.
- Delete Projects Lets the user permanently remove projects from MadCap Central. Projects on the user's desktop are not deleted.
- Delete Teams Lets the user remove teams from MadCap Central.
- Delete Users Lets the user delete others from MadCap Central license and remove all data associated with them (except project content).
- Manage Output Analytics Keys Lets the user create, edit, or delete Analytics keys.
- Manage Sites Lets the user create and manage sites, and features associated with sites, such as vanities, private outputs, and themes.
- Manage Teams/Projects Lets the user manage teams and projects in the following ways:
- Teams Create teams, rename teams, and assign users and projects to teams.
- Projects Set project-specific permissions, project status, and project name; assign users and teams to projects.
- Purchasing Lets the user buy more seats and space.
- Server Management Lets the user set up URLs (domains), as well as change the license key label and security options (e.g., number of login attempts allowed, password change requirements).
- Slack Integration Lets the user connect channels from a Slack account to Central. This will then feed Central notifications to that Slack channel.
- User Administration Makes the user a system-wide administrator. This person can then perform tasks such as inviting new users, resetting passwords, changing the status of users, and setting permissions for users.
- Projects Adds check marks to all of the following project-related tasks.
- Create/Upload New Projects Lets the user create a new project in Central, or lets the user upload projects to Central, thereby adding copies of those projects to Central. A connection exists between the local and Central projects so that you can keep the files in sync.
- Import/Pull Lets the user import projects and download content from projects on MadCap Central.
- Manage Reviews Lets the user create a review package in Central, edit files within a review package, and delete a review package from a project.
- Manage Translation Package Lets the user create a translation package and send it out for translation.
- Push Lets the user upload content from desktop projects in Flare to associated projects on MadCap Central.
- Scan Lets the user scan a project manually in the Reports view.
- Builds Adds check marks to all of the following output-related tasks.
- Delete Builds Lets the user delete Flare output.
- Manage Builds Lets the user mark a particular build as "keep."
- Run/Schedule Builds Lets the user manually start or schedule builds for projects.
- View/Download Builds Lets the user view generated output and download it to the desktop.
- Files Adds check marks to the following authoring-related tasks.
- Create/Edit Files Lets the user add and edit new files to the project. If this is deselected, the user is allowed to view files in a read-only mode, and the Files page vertical three-dot menu is not available.
- Edit Code Lets the user edit XHTML code. If this is deselected, the Code view is read-only.
- Edit Files With AI Assist Lets the user interact with AI Assist (and therefore ChatGPT) when modifying topics and snippets.
Team permissions do not create a conflict with user permissions. If a user is assigned a permission that is set either for the user or the team, that person simply has the permission on that license. In other words, there are simply two places where a user can be given permissions.
Example In the user profile, a person has been given the Create/Edit Tasks permission. In the team, the person has not been given that permission.
Result: the user has the Create/Edit Tasks permission.
In the user profile, a person has not been given the Push permission. In the team, the person has been given that permission.
Result: The user has the Push permission.
(Optional) Select the individuals for the team.
(Optional) Select any projects to be associated with the team.
(Optional) Select any sites to be associated with the team
After reviewing the Summary page, click Create Team.
Note Associations between users, projects, and teams are treated separately. Therefore, if one connection is severed, another one remains.
For example, let's say you open a team and associate it with a user and a project. This means that both the user and project are associated with that team, but the user is not automatically associated with the project. You need to manually associate the user with the project. This is an extra step, but if you then remove the user from the team, that person is still connected with the project.
Note If you are an administrator, you can open a profile for an existing team and associate permissions with it. Users associated with the team would then have all of those permissions that are selected. See Setting Team Permissions.
Note If your license is enabled for single sign-on (SSO) and you have private output, you can automate the process for inviting users (as viewers), as well as associating users and sites with a team. In the license settings, you can use an option to create viewer users on demand, and choose one or more teams to associate with that process. By simply providing new users with the link to the private output, they will be onboarded with the viewer seat type and added to the team(s) you designate.