Editing Project Profiles

You can edit the profile for a project. This includes the ability to change the project’s name, initials, description, and associated color. You can also change which teams and/or users are associated with the project.

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Permission Required?

For this activity, you must have the following permission setting:

For more information about permissions, see Setting User Permissions or Setting Team Permissions.

How to Edit a Project Profile

  1. On the left side of the Central interface, click Projects.
  2. Click the project avatar.

  3. The Overview page provides an easy-to-read summary of the project's details. You can select options on the left side to make changes.

    • Settings Change the project's icon color, description, initials for the avatar, and name.

    • Access View and change the teams and users associated with the project. See Associating Projects With Users and Teams.

      Note Associations between users, projects, and teams are treated separately. Therefore, if one connection is severed, another one remains.

      For example, let's say you open a team and associate it with a user and a project. This means that both the user and project are associated with that team, but the user is not automatically associated with the project. You need to manually associate the user with the project. This is an extra step, but if you then remove the user from the team, that person is still connected with the project.

    • Activity View the most recent actions that have taken place for the project.

    • Delete Remove the project from Central.

    • Dashboard Open the Dashboard view for the project. See Dashboard.

    • Builds Open the Builds view for the project. See Step 5: Building Output.

    • Checklists Open the Checklists view for the project. See Checklists.

    • Files Open the Files view for the project. See Viewing Project Files.

    • Commits Open the Commits view for the project. See Commits.

    • Reports Open the Reports view for the project. See Reports.

    • Translations Open the Translations view for the project. See Translation.

  4. Click Save.